A Dictionary of Units

This provides a summary of most of the units of measurement to be found in use around the world today, together with the appropriate conversion factors needed to change them into a 'standard' SI unit.

Summary of common conversion factors

Summary table of conversion factors most often required
To change into do this To change into do this
acres hectares x 0.4047 kilograms ounces x 35.3
acres sq. kilometres / 247 kilograms pounds x 2.2046
acres sq. metres x 4047 kilograms tonnes / 1000 #
acres sq. miles / 640 # kilograms tons (UK/long) / 1016
barrels (oil) cubic metres / 6.29 kilograms tons (US/short) / 907
barrels (oil) gallons (UK) x 34.97 kilometres metres x 1000 #
barrels (oil) gallons (US) x 42 # kilometres miles x 0.6214
barrels (oil) litres x 159 litres cubic inches x 61.02
centimetres feet / 30.48 # litres gallons (UK) x 0.2200
centimetres inches / 2.54 # litres gallons (US) x 0.2642
centimetres metres / 100 # litres pints (UK) x 1.760
centimetres millimetres x 10 # litres pints (US liquid) x 2.113
cubic cm cubic inches x 0.06102 metres yards / 0.9144 #
cubic cm litres / 1000 # metres centimetres x 100 #
cubic cm millilitres x 1 # miles kilometres x 1.609
cubic feet cubic inches x 1728 # millimetres inches / 25.4 #
cubic feet cubic metres x 0.0283 ounces grams x 28.35
cubic feet cubic yards / 27 # pints (UK) litres x 0.5683
cubic feet gallons (UK) x 6.229 pints (UK) pints (US liquid) x 1.201
cubic feet gallons (US) x 7.481 pints (US liquid) litres x 0.4732
cubic feet litres x 28.32 pints (US liquid) pints (UK) x 0.8327
cubic inches cubic cm x 16.39 pounds kilograms x 0.4536
cubic inches litres x 0.01639 pounds ounces x 16 #
cubic metres cubic feet x 35.31 square cm sq. inches x 0.1550
feet centimetres x 30.48 # square feet sq. inches x 144 #
feet metres x 0.3048 # square feet sq. metres x 0.0929
feet yards / 3 # square inches square cm x 6.4516 #
fl.ounces (UK) fl.ounces (US) x 0.961 square inches square feet / 144 #
fl.ounces (UK) millilitres x 28.41 square km acres x 247
fl.ounces (US) fl.ounces (UK) x 1.041 square km hectares x 100 #
fl.ounces (US) millilitres x 29.57 square km square miles x 0.3861
gallons pints x 8 # square metres acres / 4047
gallons (UK) cubic feet x 0.1605 square metres hectares / 10 000 #
gallons (UK) gallons (US) x 1.2009 square metres square feet x 10.76
gallons (UK) litres x 4.54609 # square metres square yards x 1.196
gallons (US) cubic feet x 0.1337 square miles acres x 640 #
gallons (US) gallons (UK) x 0.8327 square miles hectares x 259
gallons (US) litres x 3.785 square miles square km x 2.590
grams kilograms / 1000 # square yards square metres / 1.196
grams ounces / 28.35 tonnes kilograms x 1000 #
hectares acres x 2.471 tonnes tons (UK/long) x 0.9842
hectares square km / 100 # tonnes tons (US/short) x 1.1023
hectares square metres x 10000 # tons (UK/long) kilograms x 1016
hectares square miles / 259 tons (UK/long) tonnes x 1.016
hectares square yards x 11 960 tons (US/short) kilograms x 907.2
inches centimetres x 2.54 # tons (US/short) tonnes x 0.9072
inches feet / 12 # yards metres x 0.9144 #

x means 'multiply by' / means 'divide by' # means it is an exact value
All other values given to an appropriate degree of accuracy.

Taken from A Dictionary of Measures, Units & Conversions by Frank Tapson

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